France - Betharram, Nov 15, 2012
France - Betharram
On Thursday, November 8th the team in charge of the enhancement of the site of Betharram had the first meeting.
Aware that Betharram and its material, spiritual and pastoral future belongs to the whole Congregation, the Superior General appointed a 10-member-strong team called to study and propose a project: Fr Jean-Dominique Delgue, Brother Emile Garat, Fr Mario Longoni, Fr Ercole Ceriani, Fr Jean-Luc Morin, and four laymen: Patrick Daydé (retired SNCF) Jacques Laparade (Vice-President of "The Pyrénéenne"), Jean-Marie Larran (Treasurer of the same association) and M. Hervé Joan-Grangé, consultant in other religious communities. The latter will follow the process throughout. The goal of the team is to help the Congregation to take decisions about the future of Betharram. Right from the beginning, the members of the team spelt out the purpose and the working method: they want to hold together "the spirit of truth and the spirit of faith."
Next meeting on January 11th , at Betharram, of course!
Next meeting on January 11th , at Betharram, of course!
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