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Brazil - Passa Quatro, Oct 12, 2012

Brazil - Passa Quatro

On October 7, at the College of St. Michael, Passa Quatro (Brazil - MG) there was the first meeting for the presentation and invitation to WYD. With the help of Professor Marciano, one member of each parish community was invited to this meeting. It was attended by 12 people, including brothers Juan Pablo and Jeferson who came from the community of Belo Horizonte, Fr Victor from the community of Sao Paulo Vila Matilde, and Fr Glecimar who belongs to the local community.

Brazil - Passa Quatro
The meeting began at 3 p.m. with a prayer. Then in the video room the anthem and the official video of the World Youth Day were presented, as well as the material prepared  by the Brazilian National Committee for the World Youth Day and the initiatives put forward by the Congregation. Everything was welcomed with great enthusiasm!
A moment of reflection in groups followed then all enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by Bros Juan Pablo, Jeferson and Victor.
The meeting ended with a group photo.
After this first meeting, the second step will be to draw up a short report containing all the ideas and suggestions of this group, as well the dates and the practical suggestions that will be passed on to the religious, to the pastoral council and to Fr Francisco, the Parish Priest of Passa Quatro, in order to inform officially the Parish community of the event.
There is a plan to set up  the same kind of meeting in the community of Paulinia and Sao Paulo.

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