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Sessione 1
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Italy - Rome, Dec 29, 2011

Italy - Rome

Friday, December  23rd , in a Theatre of Rome, the Marluc Association, set up an event in favour of our mission in Hojay (India).

Italy - Rome

The president of the Marluc Association, Mrs Maria Antonietta Rossetti, regular attender in our Church Santa Maria dei Miracoli in Rome and always very sensitive to the needs of our missionaries, set up an entertaining and cultural event in the San Genesio Theatre in Rome.?The aim was to collect money in favour of some missionary projects and among them the project of our brothers in Hojay (Assam, India)<br />Before an excited audience  the students of the artistic atelier of the national boarding school Vittorio Emanuele II, directed by Mr Mario Strada, educator and teacher, gave a display of their dancing, singing and musical talents. An actress, Liliana Massari, read some excerpts from the epic poem “Orlando Furioso” and a short story (“The life convict”) written by Maria Antonietta Rossetti. Before the end of the event, some paintings freely given by some painters, were put up for auction and the income went for the missionary projects too.<br />On behalf of our Indian missionaries we express a heartfelt gratitude to the Marluc Association and we wish all the best for the upcoming cultural events!<br /><br />

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