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You are here:Home / News / News 2011 / England - Droitwich
England - Droitwich, Jul 02, 2011

England - Droitwich

On the feast of the Sacred Heart we celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Father Tom Kelly with a solemn Mass of Thanksgiving in the beautiful mosaic church of the Sacred Heart hosted and served by the parish of Droitwich.

England - Droitwich
Present were most of the members of the vicariate and local clergy and many from his former parishes such as Bridgemary in the South of England and Great Barr in Birmingham besides many of his family from Ireland. His brother Peter whom some may remember was present, ordained in Bethlehem in 1947 and is still parish priest in Cardiff even though he's in his 90s.
The occasion ended with the grand buffet and a concert produced by the parish folk group and choir of Droitwich which included an amusing ballad of Fr Tom's life ending at the Sacred Heart rendered by the Parish folk group which can be seen in the pictures.

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