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India - Mangalore, Aug 16, 2011

India - Mangalore

A gathering of 300 people witnessed the diaconate ordination of Bro. Jose Kumar and Bro. Arul Gnana Prakash at Mary Hill (Mangalore) on Thursday August 11th.

India - Mangalore

The assembly included the families of Jose and Arul who had travelled almost 300 km from Tamil Nadu, as well as virtually the whole of the Indian Vicariate of Betharram.
The young AC sisters students who attended also began the liturgy with a prayer-dance.
Bishop Aloysius D’Souza a good friend of our Betharram family presided, and gave a word of thanks for our presence in the Mangalore Diocese.
The afternoon celebration programme included singing and dancing and comedy. Pride of place went to an Assamese dance routine that our new Assamese postulants had taught the other postulants.
We were greatly blessed by the addition of these 2 young deacons to the family of Betharram in India.

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