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France - Pau, May 24, 2011

France - Pau

The Maison Saint-Michel, former Caramel of Pau, gathered the crowd of the great occasions, on May 21st , in memory of the Transverberation of Sr Mary of Jesus Crucified.

France - Pau

At 9:30, Fr Grech,SCJ former secretary of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, and Father Samer, parish priest of Kerak (Jordan) made a fascinating conference in two voices about "Christians in the land of the Blessed Mariam." The Eucharist at 11 am, presided by the former Superior General of Betharram, was animated by the small choir Saint-Michel in an unusual atmosphere of faith and praise. The preacher, Father Samer, was able to touch the hearts in a remarkable French. In the early afternoon, after the missionary sale and the packed lunch, the procession of the Blessed Sacrament crossed the park from the ermitage to the chapel - Father Firmin directed the movement, Fr. Mirco carried the monstrance. The worship followed by Vespers concluded this beautiful day, in special communion with Holy Land. (detailed report)

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