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France - Limoges, Jun 13, 2011

France - Limoges

On Friday, June 10th  at St. Joseph’s church, before a grateful, friendly and  singing assembly, a page was turned for our congregation in  Limousin .

France - Limoges

After 63 years of presence in Ozanam school, at the parish of St. Leonard and various chaplaincies and ministries, Betharram said farewell to the Diocese of Limoges. The tone of the celebration, presided over by Bishop François Kalist, surrounded by 20 diocesan priests and 8 Betharramites was given at the outset by a lay women from the “Here I am” movement: Be joyful ... In his homily, Fr. Jean-Dominique Delgue, Vicar of France and Spain praised the fragility, which becomes vital strength  when it’s received from Christ "mild and humble of heart ", and is deployed in the service of the Church and people. Mgr Kalist concluded the Eucharist with heart-fetl thanks, and all ended up with the cup of friendship followed by a fellowship meal. In summary, this exceptional evening had a taste of Pentecost for the spirit of communion and for the sending to mission.

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