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Brazil - Passa Quatro, Jun 08, 2011

Brazil - Passa Quatro

The St. Michael Garicoïts feast day gave rise to numerous celebrations, organised by the educational staff of Betharram Brazil.

Brazil - Passa Quatro

On May 13th  a delegation from the College of Passa Quatro travelled to Sao Jose college in  Conceição di Rio Verde. The Mass presided by Fr Luiz Henrique, recently ordained, was followed by a very appreciated convivial event.
On May 14th  in the early morning, the band of São Miguel surrounded by students in uniform went through the streets of Passa Quatro for a joyful serenade. At college they were received by the teachers for the exchange of wishes and a nice cup of coffee. The day went on with relaxing and friendly games, sports, and shared meals ...
On Sunday May 15th , the parish church was decked with the colours of the college. Fr Luiz Henrique, pastoral director, celebrated a Mass in thanksgiving for 76 years of presence of Betharram in Brazil. This was the culmination of a Triduum marked by the spirit of joy and dedication to youth, so dear to St. Michael.


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