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Bethlehem - General Chapter, May 23, 2011

Bethlehem - General Chapter

Since Sunday, on May 22nd, the Chapter Assembly began rereading and discussing the Rule of Life for its final adoption.

Bethlehem - General Chapter

There are 9 years since was launched the revision of our basic text: re-elaborated by the commission ad hoc (Fr Ierullo, Fr Felet Moura, Fr Oyhénart and Fr Fernandez), enriched with the comments of religious communities, it is presented in its Reference version in French. Voting procedures were precisely defined and approved. Given the importance of the topic, each chapter or subchapter (depending on its importance) is solemnly read, open to any amendments, debated and voted en bloc. Beyond the legal aspect, it is a true spiritual reading which can grasp the depth of our charism, and its impact on our lives and our mission. 
Late Sunday afternoon, the delegates celebrated Mass at the Grotto of St. Jerome, in the basement of the Church of the Nativity. They have not failed to entrust their work (of scribe!) to the Lord, through the intercession of the saint who has made available the Word of God.

Work schedule on the Rule of Life
Sunday, May 22 > Chapters 1-4: charism, mission, consecration, prayer
Monday, May 23 > Chapters 5-7: fraternal life, church service, formation
Tuesday, May 24 > Chapter 8: Government
Wednesday, May 25 > Chapters 9-11: administration, outing, special cases 

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