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P Andrea Antonini
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Bethlehem - General Chapter, May 21, 2011

Bethlehem - General Chapter

On Saturday the 21st May, the Chapter had a break in its works for relaxation and pilgrimage.

Bethlehem - General Chapter

The first stop: was the Jericho desert, for a time of prayer. The delegates reached Nazareth at 10 am, we directly went to the Basilica of Nazareth to meditate for one hour, in the very place of the incarnation; we then travelled to the Betharram Monastery for a very good meal presented to us by the community: with Father Damiano Colleoni and Philippe Hourcade; and afterwards we had the chance to visit the Caramel for fraternal sharing: the community of 14 sisters coming from 12 nationalities. Then we travel to Emmaus-Nicopolis, by coach. The central part of our day was the celebration of the Mass, where Jesus, according to the Blessed Mariam, broke bread with two disciples. After this time of grace, we returned to Bethlehem where a meal of pizza was waiting us. Sure, such a program will fill us with the energy before tackling the second part of Chapter, tomorrow! (cf. timetable)

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