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Argentine - Adrogué, Nov 07, 2011

Argentine - Adrogué

On October 28-30, the Betharramite Lay Associates  of the Vicariate of Argentina - Uruguay held their annual retreat in the noviciate house in Adrogué.

Argentine - Adrogué

The reflection was inspired by the book by Henri J. M. Nouwen: " Can you drink this cup? ". The author invites you to take a cup in your hands, that is, your life and live it to the full according to the plan of God and being inspired by he Lord Jesus. Prayers were taken from the book of Psalms: Psalm 139 which speaks of the mystery of our union with God, and Psalm 62, which opens the heart to the need of the Lord.<br />The night of Saturday, October 29, was animated by the children of the couples present with games and songs.<br />The joy was in every moment of the meeting, God blessed this event and St. Michael’s teaching inspired the reflections.<br />The meeting ended with Mass and the unfailing "asado" (barbecue).<br /><br />

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