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Sep 13, 2014

In memoriam...

Father Enrique Gavel scj - Father Joseph Mazerolles scj

In memoriam...

Father Enrique Gavel scj
Montevideo (Uruguay), 4 October 1939 - Montevideo, 14 July 2014

On 14 July after long years of illness which had got worse in October 2013 and after two days in a coma, Fr Enrique Gavel made his return to the father’s house. Just a few days previously, he had received the sacrement of the sick and a visit from Father Gaspar, accompanied by his ordination companion, Fr Constancio Erobaldi. Since October his illness had confined him to bed. During these months, his sister and nephews were with him and comforted him with remarkable devotion and affection. Fr Enrique died on Monday at three in the morning. On that day, nearly all the Betharram community in the region were on their way for the Paraguay Assumption to take part in the regional Pre-Chapter meeting. That’s why they could not be present at the funeral mass, celebrated in the parish church of St Michael Garicoits, where Fr Enrique was the priest until the end. Concelebrating with the Archbishop of Montevideo, Bishop Daniel Sturla and the Bishop of Florida, Bishop Martin Pérez Scremini, a former scholar of Betharram was Fr Gonzalo Estévez, another former student of Betharram, alongside numerous diocesan priests and brothers. The Congregation was represented by Fr. Angelo Recalcati. Fr. Gonzalo began the celebration by recalling certain aspects of Fr Gavel’s life, for which all those present gave thanks to the Lord. He emphasized in particular his faithfulness to the religious life. In fact, Fr Gavel quite recently celebrated 50 years of life in the Bethrram order and it was Fr Gonzalo himself who had presided over the celebration in place of Fr Gavel who was too weak due to his illness.

After having recalled his deep connection with the parish where he was baptised and with the Congregation, due to the education received in colleges from several members of his family, the Archbishop highlighted Fr Gavel’s commitment to the Betharram community in return, including when he had been asked to leave the college he had devoted his whole life to, in order to take care of the parish, even though he had no pastoral experience.

Finally Bishop Sturla noted the profound meaning of the family of our brother. Far from being a burden, this sense of belonging strenthened him. The statements heard about his ability to understand others and his serenity were numerous and moving, qualities that many people have benefited from during the years he was a priest. Also while thanking those who came to share these moments of contemplation, we wish to thank the Lord for the gift of the life and the person of Fr Enrique Gavel.

Angelo Recalcati, scj


Father Joseph Mazerolles scj
Caubios-Loos (close to Pau, France), 3 June 1922 - Bétharram, 17 July 2014

When I heard of Fr Mazerolles’ death, memories came flooding back. Joseph was jovial and friendly. Whenever we met he always loved to greet me in Basque. I never lived in community with him. During the last few years he experienced what we could call life’s mysteries. Consequently, the Gospel text means something to me when I contemplate Joseph’s life especially where St John says “Unless the wheat grain falls on the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain, but if it dies it yields a rich harvest”. (Jn 12,24)

Is this not the meaning of our baptismal life and even more so of our religious and priestly life? We must give ourselves over to God’s love; give ourselves over body and soul for the good of mankind, to the mission of the Church which is the announcing of the Good News as St Paul reminds us in the first text: “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and was laid in the tomb; on the third day he rose from the dead according to the Scriptures”. (1 Cor. 15, 3-4)

Joseph’s ministry was essentially pastoral: listening, accompanying, announcing the Good News. The shepherd lives in the middle of his sheep with care, discretion and sometimes courage. It is work which is not always visible for he is encouraging and helping the weak and the sick. The pastor’s ministry is like the wheat grain in the ground. No one sees it germinating and yet the power of life gives fruit. It is a fruit belonging to God. In the present assembly there are perhaps some of you who benefitted from the ministry and presence of Joseph in the different parishes where he exercised his priestly ministry.

During these last few years Joseph certainly accepted life’s mysteries and let himself be guided by the Master of the Interior who doesn’t abandon the orphan, the patient, the little one, the suffering. Joseph lived out the mystery of the grain of wheat fallen into the earth, and in the silence of the earth produced fruit thanks to the presence of his brothers in religion and thanks to the kindness of the staff at the Retirement Home at Betharram. What is this fruit going to be? It belongs to God. Perhaps it would be good for us to remember that all lives are priceless in God’s eyes, that they have meaning in God’s eyes even if we don’t understand everything.

So with trust and hope, in the course of this Mass let us thank God for Joseph’s life. Let us thank God for the fruits which Joseph brought to fruition. Thank God for the love of the Church which Joseph tried to transmit as faithful servant of the Gospel. Let us thank God for all comes from Him, belongs to Him and is for Him.

Let us pray that hence forth Joseph will contemplate Him Whom he sought and Whom he announced, that he will contemplate the One he served saying, day by day, in the footsteps of St Michael Garicoits: “Here I am, for love’s sake”.

Jean-Dominique DELGUE, scj
Homily for the funeral of Fr Joseph Mazerolles,
Bétharram, 19 July 2014

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