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May 14, 2014

International Communities

International Communities

What is the fruit of this Jubilee Year? Perhaps the original project of Saint Michael who wanted for himself and for the rising Congregation, a “flying camp” not committed to “keep the positions”, but ready to adjust itself in order “to respond to the various calls of men when the Pope and the Bishops, by virtue of their mission, make them known to us” (RoL 17). The new international communities are a step in this direction.
In the same way each Region, each Vicariate and each community are “constitutionally” called to an ongoing discernment (RdV 18). These are the fruits given by the Jubilee Year we are going to close on May 14th.

The General Chapter of Bethlehem 2011 called for the establishment of international communities. This is to show the missionary spirit that should characterise us as much at inter-regional level as at regional level. I must say, with great joy, that whenever I proposed to a young religious that he leave his country, his Vicariate or Region, like Abraham, to live and perform his mission in another culture, the answer has been positive.
At the request of the Chapter, I sought the cooperation of Fathers Stervin (India) and Pornchai (Thailand) for the community of Pau and deacon Davi (Brazil) for that of Mendelu. For the moment, because of political, social and ecclesial reasons experienced by our communities of the Holy Land, nothing has yet been done for the community of Nazareth.
However, there are already many international communities in the Regions. For example that of Olton in the Region of the Blessed Miriam with the presence of Father Wilfred (India), Fr. Vincent (India) in Droitwich, Fr Mongkhon (Thailand) in Great Barr. The last two have been given the responsibility of being parish priests and the first (Fr. Wilfred) we asked to serve as Regional Vicar for the Vicariate. There are several issues in this situation. The Vicariate of England is reaping the rewards of its extensive collaboration in supporting the emerging presence of Betharram in India.
The England vicariate, rather over-stretched due to pastoral commitments has now re-organised, leaving Whitnash behind, but maintaining our presence in Droitwich (which it had considered leaving). The latter indeed, is of great significance from a missionary point of view, since we are the owners, and it contains the cemetery of the Vicariate. Religious exchanges between India and Thailand are also planned.

It is a similar picture in the Saint Michael Region. And communities of the Holy Land have always been international. Those in France are now international too: in addition to that of Pau, there are religious of the Vicariate of Côte d’Ivoire in Pibrac (Fr. Emmanuel), in Anglet (Fr. Arsène) and in Bétharram (Fr. Francis). Again, the collaboration of this Vicariate is a way to thank France for its commitment in personnel and financial resources from the beginnings of Bétharram in this African country. Two other religious of Côte d’Ivoire, Fr. Marius and Bro. Gilbert also work with great dedication in the St. Michael community in Bouar Central Africa. Deacon Martial Mengué, originally from Central African Republic, meanwhile, is working in the community of Montemurlo (Italy).

International community of Pau with two sisters of the Apostolic Carmel

In the Father Etchecopar Region, there were  many exchanges of religious during the periods of formation between the three Vicariates. This facilitated the founding of the missionary community of Montevideo-Tacuarembo with Fr. Gavel of Uruguay Fr.Recalcati of Italy, Bro.Victor from Paraguay and Deacon Wagner from Brazil. Thus we continue our 100-year presence at the level of school and parish in Montevideo and develop a missionary project. We note the positive response of this region, despite its poverty, in strengthening the community of Mendelu (Spain), with the availability and obedience of Deacon Davi Lara.

Such an international project is a real challenge because of language, cultural differences and pastoral training, not counting those interpersonal relationships which are always there even in the same country, and increase with cultural differences. They are a constant; the Betharramite missionaries have met them in all times and in all countries. It is not possible to realise such a project with a magic wand. Only the strength of our desire and our belief that this is the right way make it possible. Great and holy things always start so humbly, apparently without a future (DS 183-184), but grow with patience and dedication. For the religious who devote themselves, it means a lot of renunciation of their ideas, projects and personal aspirations to focus on the essence of their life and their consecration: the experience of the love of God manifested in Jesus Christ, who fills us with joy and impels us to provide others the same happiness, and make Jesus known. This is a real «theological space» where religious deepen their vocation, ministry and mission.

This project of international community will give a new face to the Congregation; already we are passing from a mono-cultural to a multicultural dimension. For a long time the communities of Latin America, the Holy Land and Thailand preserved a French lifestyle and this was normal and good: most of the religious who began these communities were French or French-trained. No one can deny who he is personally and culturally. From this identity, he does good, practices love and accomplishes the mission by adapting as best as possible.

Today we must accept that we are living in different reality: in most Vicariates, religious originated in that country and live according to the local lifestyle. When I ask young people to integrate into a religious community in countries where our presence is well established, they come alone, formed by their culture; they then have to adapt both to communities and missions that are  formed by a tradition, by the crisis of secularisation, and live a style of ecclesial living in the heart of a highly secular society. It is not easy but not necessarily impossible.
We all need to encourage one another along this path, warmly welcoming those religious who have responded generously to this missionary commitment. Thus the international communities give a new face to our family. They are a fruit of the Jubilee celebration of the 150th anniversary of the death of our Holy Father Michael Garicoïts. It is to him that we must commend the project so as to make it a response to the renewal of the Congregation requested by the Pope Francis in his encyclical Evangelii Gaudium for the urgent demands of mission and for the happiness of all our Betharramite brothers.

Gaspar Fernández Pérez, scj
Superior General

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