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Apr 14, 2014

The eleven vicariates of the congregation (4)

The Vicariate of England

The eleven vicariates of the congregation (4)

Its roots

The Betharramite presence England arose in the context of the expulsion of religious from France. It results from a decision of the Congregation which at the 1903 General Chapter held in Irun in Spain, opted for a foundation in a new country.

Three reasons led to the foundation in England: the hope of St Michel, who according to the witness of Fr Casedepax, had expressed a desire to do something for England; the opportunity to prepare English teachers for colleges in Europe and America; the certainty of finding a safe location, with a stable government which wasn’t anti-clerical, away from the dangers that threatened the Church and the Congregation in France .

At the end of the Chapter, Fr Abel Costedoat was entrusted with caring for the new foundation . He arrived in London November 7, 1903. He was responsible for the beginnings of the Betharramite English mission, with the founding of small communities for spiritual accompaniment of female religious communities and assistant priests . Thus were born missionary centres at Woodchester, Bicester, Princethorpe, Leamington, Moreton Paddox, Monk’s Kirby ( Newnham Paddox) Cleobury Mortimer (Mawley) , Banbury and finally Droitwich, where in 1908 , at the request of the Congregation Bishop of Birmingham entrusted to Betharram, not a work already in place, but the foundation of a new Catholic parish. At Droitwich, the religious Betharram would run the parish, the Apostolic School , and later, the Sacred Heart College. In addition, from the beginning, they welcomed young people to learn about religious life: the first English Betharramites were Fr Eric Robert Basey and Bro. John F. Griffin who died prematurely in 1918.

It was only with the division of the Congregation into Provinces in 1947 and the birth of the Vice Province of England that the English work began to develop. It was at this time that communities were founded for the training of seminarians Fritham, Caerdon, then Farchynys and Sambourne. The Droitwich college however absorbed most of the resources of the vice- province and long remained the only English Betharramite activity. From the 70s, communities responsible for pastoral care in parishes were opened at Bridgemary, Worcester, Lee -on-Solent, Guernsey and Alderney, and finally Olton and Great Barr.

In the 90s, the English communities have become an essential element for the development of the work of Betharram in India. Finally, the new administrative division of the Congregation led to the creation of the Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified Region, comprising the three vicariates England, India and Thailand, where ongoing exchange of resources and personnel will promote the growth and affirmation of the work of St. Michel in these countries.

Roberto Cornara

Its Present and its Future with Fr. Wilfred Perepadan scj, Regional Vicar

It really is a pleasure to note down the present life of the English Vicariate. In the last few years, the face of the Vicariate has changed. On the whole I feel the Vicariate is in good health. I feel our presence (15 of us) in five pastoral areas of the Arch Diocese of Birmingham is fruitful. Betharram Fathers and Brothers here in England may feel we are a small community of religious. Our Founder St. Michael Garicoits retorts this humbleness in this way “We must realise that God is the author of the society and has preserved it. He governs it. ‘The Lord is my shepherd’ (Ps 22:1), and He will continue to preserve it. This hope must be the immovable rock on which we must set ourselves up and face up to all trials.” Seeing in this regard, this hope in our lives here inspires us to listen to the author, the interior master.  In this way placing ourselves to hear His voice and initiate His guidance to have right thoughts to put them into practice. As a result, we are trying to respond in a Betharramite way to the needs of the Church at the present day. We are very much integrated with our parish ministry and ministry to young people. Thanks to the Chaplaincy work of our Brothers to the local Catholic Schools.

The atmosphere in our Vicariate is truly welcoming and brotherly. We have now been blessed with young priests, two from India and one from Thailand. They have fully immersed with the life and mission of the English Vicariate. We are grateful to the Vicariates of Thailand and India for their support.

Overall, the parish ministry here in the Birmingham Archdiocese seems to prosper and the credit must be given to the missionary and pastoral zeal shown by our Fathers and Brothers in this regard. Lay companions of Betharram are actively sharing our spirituality and Charism of our Founder St. Michael Garicoits in our parishes. They meet regularly once in a month and come together to celebrate our patronal feast days of our congregation in designated parishes.

We have formed a spirituality group looking forward to the future, by aiming to share something of the Spirituality of the Sacred Heart Fathers and Brothers with the people. Last year, the group animated two parish retreats, one within the Friary Parish and another one within the Archdiocese of Birmingham. During the forthcoming year we hope to lead and develop days of retreat/recollection for staff and students within the schools where we minister as chaplains, we held our first day last year. Mission appeals in different parishes in the United Kingdom have allowed us to raise money to support missions in India and Thailand. These are the occasions to speak to the congregation in the church about our work and also make the invitation to help and support young people in relation to vocations.

Finally, remembering the words of our founder that our presence would reflect, it is God who wants us, commands us and sends us. “Blessed be God. En Avant ; go forward always, with patience and joy. Come what God may want.


The one who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed and increase the harvest of your righteousness. (2 Cor 9, 10)

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