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You are here:Home / Family News / NEF 2014 / Family News - 2014 April 14th / Listening to St Michael...
Apr 14, 2014

Listening to St Michael...

"We believe that having died with Christ we shall return to life with him; Christ, as we know, having been raised from the dead will never die again. Death will have no power over him anymore."(Romans 6,9)

My brothers, having delivered himself to a most shameful death, on the third day Jesus appeared in the midst of mankind, conqueror of death:
- To make us inherit blessed immortality;
- To give us the hope that one day we’ll rise too like Him.

But if we want to rise in glory like Jesus, then our spiritual resurrection, our resurrection in the life of grace, in a word, our conversion must be like Christ’s resurrection. Since Jesus Christ having risen from the dead cannot die again, so too having been totally converted from sin and the slavery of Satan, we must be totally converted so as not to fall again into a state of grievous sin. Sin must never again strike a deadly blow against our souls.

My brothers, such is the fruit which Jesus Christ wants men to retain from his resurrection as we wait to be associated with his glory. It is only on that condition that we can hope to reign with him in Heaven. (M 598)

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