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Family News - 2010 February 14th



PDF edition 


A word from the Superior general

Grotto of the Nativity, Bethlehem

This treasure in earthenware vessels
The grace of the General Chapter 2011

Rome, 2nd February 2010

Dear Fathers and Brothers,
With the Council of the Congregation, which met in Rome in January, we decided that the 26th General Chapter of our Family would take place at our house in Bethlehem, from 14th – 31st May 2011. The General Chapter, sign of unity and charity for all the religious of our Institute, is a Church event, confirming our Rule of Life (art. 177).
The Chapter period opens with this letter: it is addressed to each Betharramite who wishes to be conformed in all things with the Heart of Jesus. Our meeting together in Bethlehem will be the summit of the route undertaken by all the religious and all the communities of the Congregation.  The fruits produced will be in proportion to the involvement of the religious and communities in the reflexion, prayer and efforts towards conversion during this time of preparation. The delegates who will take part, as representing their brothers, will fulfil their mission if they feel they are borne along by a spiritual climate and a genuine desire to be faithful to the charismatic heritage left to us by St Michael Garicoits.
We want this time of grace to concentrate our efforts on an awareness of our weaknesses, as well as on the possibilities and energy they can liberate. But you, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah, who are one of the little clans of Judah, from you, shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel. (Micah 5, 1) We have no wish to consider our fragilities as failures but as an opportunity which is given us: the opportunity to be tools suitable for the mission of constructing the Body of Christ which is the Church and to advance the Kingdom of God in society. This is what is suggested by the words of St Michael Garicoits and of St Paul: May our very wretchedness make us more humble, more generous, stronger in Christ and through Christ. "For it is when I am weak that I am strong." (2 Cor 4, 7). (DS 81) We are only the earthenware jars that hold this treasure. (2 Cor 4,7).
Our reference is Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ in our heart, on our lips and in our conduct. Jesus Christ is our mirror, our example, and we must never lose sight of him: his life, his actions, and his internal and external conduct. We must compare ourselves with him constantly: “Is your heart like his? What would he do just now?” Jesus is like the bronze serpent – it is enough to look at him to be cured of all the poisonous bites of our bad inclinations.  “Life to me, of course, is Christ” (Phil 1,21) Yes, it is he and he alone who is my life! (DS 341)
With this spirit of humility and trust in the Father’s love, with the same enthusiasm as on the day we decided to be his disciple-missionaries, with the same ardour we put into the mission, we must all get down to work and to pray.  Since the approval of the revised version of the Rule of Life will be the most important item for the Chapter, we suggest that from the month of February this year, to the month of April next year, a sacred reading of the Rule of Life should be made in community. It should be carried out in an atmosphere of prayer, of narratio fidei, which should help us to share quite simply the joy that is ours to be what we are with our brothers in community. For in community we find the religious, the life and the mission of the Congregation. (In this number of NEF you will find animation paper prepared with the Regional Superiors.)
The work to be done in the communities is a preparation for the Assembly which will take place in each Vicariat. It will be an important moment of communion and participation, but also a time for assessing the fidelity to our charism, to its impact on our cultural environment and the way that the culture of each Vicariat enhances its expression. The conclusions of the Assemblies will be forwarded to the Regional Chapters, who will use them to make an analysis of the state of the Region, to make propositions to the General Chapter and elect the Regional delegates (Art 225).
With joy and resolution let’s travel along this Chapter route:  it is an important time for us to be even more authentic religious of the Sacred Heart, a unique opportunity for the renewal of the life of our communities and our commitment for the mission. Let’s not make our weakness an excuse. There is no excuse for loving God. Our father Saint Michael Garicoits encourages us with the same words as he had for Sister Zephirin-Saint-Blaise: You are not right if you do not recognise the good which the Lord performs in you and through you while at the same time you admit the evil you do. Admit the first and say: “Lord, I am very unworthy, but I thank you all the more; grant that I may make the most of it so as to love and serve you with ever greater zeal” Admit the second and say: “Here are some fruits from my garden; similar ones will come from my reserve but if you say a word, everything will change in appearance” (Corr.I, letter 114, page 243.)
In the evening of the day for Consecrated Life, together with Fathers Bruno, Jean-Luc, Jacky and Benat and Brother Fiorenzo, I assisted at Vespers and Adoration presided over by Pope Benedict XVI in St Peter’s Basilica. I took this opportunity to offer to Jesus in the Eucharist the whole Congregation launched in the 26th General Chapter. I offered it in the same way as Mary offered her Son Jesus in the Temple. Purifying and offering ourselves. These are two exercises which we must keep going together until the hour of our death; live and die by purifying ourselves of our daily faults and offering ourselves to Mary, through Mary to Jesus and through Jesus to our Heavenly Father. Let’s often think of that, let’s love it, andlet’s do it. Amen! (Corr. I, Letter 74, Page 190).
Let’s be united in this enterprise, among ourselves, with Betharram in heaven, with our Father St Michael Garicoits, the Servant of God Auguste Etchecopar and Blessed Miriam. Amen. Fiat. Fiat. Eamus. Forward march always!

Gaspar Fernandez,SCJ

nef-etchecopar.jpgFr Auguste Etchécopar wrote...
to Father Pierre Pagadoy, 22nd April 1877

Right now we are busy editing the Constitutions with the utmost of care, so as to bring back with us from Rome this rule of life which the whole Congregation is waiting for eagerly and which is to be presented at the forthcoming General Chapter, and finally to the Holy See.
Pray and get people praying that the Blessed Virgin our Mother may be glorified by the strengthening and sanctification of her children, and the work which is hers in Betharram.
My God! It seems to me that we don’t want anything else; but we are so unworthy and we are such poor instruments!
Luckily for us that our brothers who are better than we are, are helping us here and elsewhere!  Happily that grace which is transporting us is powerful, and would seem, on its own, to remove all obstacles!  For such a grace, our gratitude knows no limits! 

Council of the Congregation: Words and Acts


The 18th Council of the Congregation, comprising the Superior General and his Council and the three Regional Superiors met at the Generalate in Rome from 21st-27th January 2010.  Here we have a synthesis of the Acts which were published at the end of the meeting.


When the Regional Superiors had given their report, the Council reviewed the regionalisation, a year after it had been put in place.


  • The willingness of most of the religious and their openness towards the Congregation exceeding their local reality.
  • Sharing authority between the Regional and Vicariat Superiors.
  • A climate of trust and work in the Councils.
  • The place of accompaniment of the religious as part of the functions of the Regional Superior.
  • The clarity and conviction with which the Superiors fulfil their mission, despite the enormity of the task.
  • The obvious interest in the vicariates for a better fidelity to consecration, a better understanding of the common good.
  • The importance attached to cooperation between the vicariates for formation and the development of the charism.
  • The positive atmosphere in the vicariate assemblies.
  • Stressing the importance of the community; missions are sought for communities, not activities for individuals.
  • Awareness of national realities; a step towards responsibilities, even if it is hard;
  • The movement from a form of dependence towards a form of partnership where each one feels that he is involved and is supportive.
  • Internationality in the information (Nef, betharram.net) and the interest that this can arouse.
  • Awareness of financial harmony.


  • Lack of clarity in the roles of the Regional and Vicariat Superiors.
  • Difficulty in putting the structures in place, in keeping to the pace of meetings, etc. required by the Rule.
  • Complexity of the workings of the Regional Council linked to the cost of travel, even while trying to accept the situation.
  • The lack of relevance and the expense of the workings of the Regional Council, so much so that two regions on three have not been able to constitute one yet.
  • The weight of the Regional Chapter as provided for by the new Rule, with the result that its composition has had to be reviewed.
  • The implementation of regionalisation as an institutional reform which does not always go with personal and community re-foundation and conversion.
  • Lack of knowledge of the Rule and of Regionalisation on the part of certain religious, despite the huge efforts made during the past years.
  • Resistance often the result of personal problems concerning a vocation, or authority.
  • Difficulty in understanding that regionalisation will not work if the communities don’t work.
  • Questions raised by the person of the Vicariat Superior, somewhat unclear, and the weakness of some local superiors as animators.
  • Compartmentalization of the former Provinces: something which is hard to forget.
  • The fear of change; the contradiction between to will to simplify and the imagined complexity of the structures....

The challenges ahead:

  • Convince those who still doubt of the value of the Regionalisation.
  • Don’t let personal enthusiasm fade out.
  • Continue sharing and upgrading the climate of trust between the Regional and Vicariat Superiors. 
  • Look after the personal involvement of each one concerning his vocation, revive the meaning of belonging to Betharram


Narratio fidei:
The Council divided this into two sessions for sharing the faith allowing for two moments of reflexion (one on St Michael’s letter 69, the other on a circular from Fr Etchecopar) Once again, the narratio  fidei proved to be more than a simple exercise; it turned out to be an experience in development.

Financial questions:
In view of the poor returns from investments, the Council discussed the possibility of a property investment for the service of the Congregation. The General Bursar presented the accounts for 2003-2008 and the formula which will soon be of obligation.  The planned unification ought to assure a better management in the future, both at local and world wide level

The Council heard all about the orientations expressed by the Service of Formation during their meeting in January at the Generalate: points of the Betharramite formation to complete the Ratio and the programme for the next session in preparation for final vows in Betharram.

Missionary project:
After Thailand (2008) and Ivory Coast (2009), the Council wants to bring forward a new project in favour of a missionary animation.  With this in mind the Council makes a distinction between the y early supporting operation, limited in time and objectives, and the real activity of missionary animation.  The former aims at providing information and an awareness of the image of the Congregation; the latter represents a real investment on the long term.

Special faculties awarded to Ordinaries:
A talk and exchange of views with Fr Antonio Neri, Under Secretary at the Congregation for the Clergy, concerning the canonical regularisation of certain situations.

Outlook China:
Recently, contact has been made with Fr Gregory Taozhibin, both in Betharram and in Rome; he is the only priest still in activity in the diocese of Dali.  He is very dearly attached to the historical and missionary links with the Congregation.  
A trip to China by two members of the General Council has been envisaged so as to lay the foundations for future collaboration which will be submitted to the Chapter.

The General Chapter 2011:
The Council is discussing the choice of venue and contents of the forthcoming General Chapter.  There will be a working party to consider the weaknesses and strengths of the Congregation; information from an expert on our charism in the light of the Bible. Etc.  Moments for sharing on the lines of the narratio fidei.


  1. The Council of the Congregation has decided to pay a rent to the Apostolic Carmel for Maria Kripa (the scholasticate at Mangalore) and asks the Regional Council, with the Superior of the Vicariat of India, to look for a piece of land for construction within the next 5 years. The General Council is ready to purchase the site within the limits of their means.
  2. The Council of the Congregation has decided that this year the overall missionary efforts will be in support of the Indian Vicariat.
  3. The Council of the Congregation has adopted the new accounts system for the entire Congregation.
  4. It suggests doing away with the Regional Council for the Rule of Life, and changing the criteria for the election of delegates to the Regional Chapters.
  5. A wish was expressed whereby the Superior General, in conformity with the article 195.e. of the Rule of Life, will dispense the Regional Chapters from the actual articles on Formation and have the criteria adopted which has been proposed by the Commission for the revision of the Rule of Life (these latter are due to be submitted to the General Chapter in 2011).
  6. The Council approves the programme for the session in view of Perpetual Vows from 20th – 28th May 2010 in France, as well as the changes made to the Ratio by he Service of Betharramite Formation.
  7. The General Chapter will take place in our House in Bethlehem from 14th May – 31sr May 2011. 
  8. Towards the middle of January 2011, and after all the Regional Chapters have taken place, the Council of the Congregation will meet to accept all the acts from the Regional Chapters and to prepare the documents for the General Chapter.



 Instructions in view of the 2011 Chapter


The Rule, way of life with Christ


St Michael Garicoits used to define the Rule as an “eighth sacrament, a direct route to God, and to place ourselves under the guidance of the Holy Spirit” (DS 221). In order for this sacrament “to produce fruit” (DS 225), it is good that each religious and each community should take it to heart, not so much as something to study  but as a way of life with Christ. 
In Spring 2011, the most important document for the General Chapter will be the adoption of the Rule which is in the experimental stage.  Meanwhile, the Council of the Congregation is inviting everyone to undertake a lectio divina, a sharing of our life and faith, on the document. Here is a method of work proposed to us by the Council.

A monthly meeting of about an hour and a half, in an atmosphere favourable for personal reading and listening to the others.

Sharing on the beauty of our Betharramite Religious Life; St Michael’s experience throws light on our experiences.
Discover our weaknesses so as to renew our enthusiasm “May our shortcomings make us humbler, stronger and more generous in Jesus Christ and through Jesus Christ” (DS 81)
Accept the others with their strengths and weaknesses so as to be a help for ourselves and encourage us to progress.
Make suggestions allowing our lives to be enlightened, challenged by the Rule of Life, at personal and community level;  regard Jesus Christ as our mirror (DS 341)
Formulate some reflexions in view of the General Chapter so as to be involved in its preparation with positive commitments.

There are suggestions of meetings (each community is free to regroup the chapters).
1. Our Charism (sharing an account of our vocation where ever this has not been done already)
2. The Mission
3-5. Our Consecration (organise a meeting according to year of vows)
6. Community Life.
7. Our Prayer Life.
8. Formation.
9. Government and/or management of goods.

Prayer (5 mins)
Read the quotation from St Michael at the heading of each chapter
Prayer to the Holy Spirit (Veni Creator Spiritus or Blessed Miriam’s prayer.
Reading (20 mins)
Confront our life with the Rule; begin by reading the chapter under consideration.
Sharing (50 mins)
In this section of the Rule,
- What touches me?  What confirms me?
- What makes me wonder?  Poses a problem?
- Is there a distance between what I am reading and what I am living today?
- What means should I adopt personally or as a community to be more faithful and happier in my vocation?

Discernment(10 mins)
Agree and put in writing at least one point of the discussion which we would like to forward to the Regional or General Chapter.
Sing (5 mins)
The Lord’s Prayer, a hymn to St Michael or to Our Lady...

5 minutes with... Fr JOSÉ ANTÔNIO DA SILVA


Fr Jose Antonio da Silva lives in community at the Regional Scholasticate of Belo Horizonte.  Suffering from an advanced form of diabetes, he has lost both his legs but not his serenity; witness the following interview which we are publishing just three days after the World Day of Prayer for the Sick.

Nef: You were ordained at the age of 35 in 1991.  What had been your journey so far?
Before entering Religious Life, I had been a shopkeeper, manager of a restaurant in Santa Luzia, not far from Belo Horizonte.  The restaurant was beside the presbytery where Frs Emmanuel Calvarin and Joaquim Soares Moreira were living; they were both Betharramites and looked after the parish at that time. My life was that of any shopkeeper: plenty of work.

What can you remember about those years?  How did they help in developing your vocation?
- What attracted my attention and fascinated me was Jesus… the fact of following Jesus Christ. I already had a sense of responsibilities; a type of maturity as the result of my life style, for trade has its demands.  At that time the most important aspect of my vocation was perhaps the thought of entering a seminary, and deciding to embark on the road to formation. leaving everything for something about which I had no idea yet.

What decided you to become a Betharramite?
- The sheer simplicity of the Congregation and of those who were part of it – the Religious themselves. Fr Emmanuel had a great influence on me, Fr Joaquim also, but Fr Emmanuel was closer, so to say. The charism and the motto of the Congregation, the FVD (Fiat volontas Dei:  May God’s will be done!), impressed me also. There I sensed a call which demanded an answer, and a personal answer: to be ready, to be available without bothering about situations or individuals.

What has been your ministry since then?
- No sooner was I ordained than I was sent to Conceicao do Rio Verde, with Fr Paulo Vital. I was the assistant priest and I helped out where ever I was needed. In 1994 I was appointed Parish priest of Maria Helena, a small village in the Parana State. There were three of us, Fr Emmanuel, Fr Joaquim and myself; I was living at Douradina, but was working principally at Maria Helena.  When the Congregation decided the reconstruction of the mission, I was put in charge of the Sacred Heart Parish at Nova Granada, Belo Horizonte. That was in 1998. In the year 2000 and for two years I was once more assistant priest in Saint Sebastian parish at Passa Quatro. Then I was sent to St Michael’s College at Passa Quatro to help Brother Mauro. As the aspirant was there also, I was asked to accompany the seminarians.  It was while I was there that my illness got worse; I had to undergo my first amputation in 2003. I returned to Nova Granada in 2004 as assistant priest to Fr Antonio Scarpa, who is still Parish Priest, and here I am.

You have been putting up with this illness for several years now; what consequences has it had on your life as a man, a religious and a priest?
- This illness and the limits it imposes, have helped me to learn, little by little to do God’s will.  Every day I try to be faithful to the “here I am” in so far as my possibilities will allow me.

St Michael used to say that “the sick are a blessing for their communities” (DS 174).  In the light of your own experiences how do you understand this statement?
- For me, this statement is very true.  When a person needs help for almost everything, even for the most elementary of needs, I think that it helps the others to realise the importance of health and also how fragile it can be; health and sickness, capacity or incapacity are all part of God’s will.  Anyone seeing me in this situation can perceive something of the goodness of God, which is so much greater than any gift that one could receive.  Consequently I feel encouraged to accept my illness with joy.  I even think that God is making use of me as a sign for the other members of the community

How do you see the future of the Congregation in Brazil?  Are there any questions, convictions and hopes you would like to share with us?
- I can see a future full of hope: there are vocations, fine lads who are enthusiastic for our way of life and for our charism.  One question remains and must be asked every day: how are we to pursue God’s project? This concerns each one of us in particular, as it does the Vicariates and regions; where ever we are, no matter how backward it is, where ever our Congregation is to be found and where the Betharramite religious are trying to incarnate Jesus Christ poor, obedient and chaste. That sums up my hope: Betharram ever better. Forward march!





Joseph Séguinotte,SCJ

L’Écho de Bétharram
september-october 1944

Five years after its erection, the Mission was set up as an Apostolic Prefecture by a decree from the Propaganda for the Faith on 10th December 1934. Mgr Magenties, first Betharramite bishop, became Apostolic Prefect at the age of 39. Such a rapid result was due to the growing number of missionaries who, year after year, joined the first group.
In 1925 Fathers Oxibar, Barcelonne and Trezzi arrived; in 1928 it was Fathers Magenties and Bazet. In 1929 Fr Etchart who came to France for the General Chapter, departed with four more missionaries, among them were Fathers Subervie, Bart and Darriere. In 1931 it was the arrival of the first Brothers, Brs Dimas and Xavier together with FRS Lacoste and Darnaudery. In 1932 Fr Bradley arrived; unfortunately his mission was cut short by illness and in 1935 he was forced to return to France from where he left for the Argentine. There were further arrivals right up to 1939: among them were FRS Carraro, Saint-Guily, Echaide, Saubatte, Huwel, Miguel, Fognini, Toucoulet, Pucheu, Spini and Brother Ricardo.
Another source of help arrived in 1934 with the arrival of the first missionary Daughters of the Cross who were to provide a huge service by opening a dispensary, a crèche, and running a girls’ school. In that same year, 1934, one of the first missionaries had to be repatriated because of health problems, much to his regret.
When the first Fathers arrived in Tali towards the end of 1924, the region was evangelised by some Foreign Missions Fathers – there were about a thousand Christians.  The country was overrun by brigands; a missionary had even fallen into their hands – Fr Piton – who died after two years in captivity. In the course of one of his outings, Fr Etchard himself was kidnapped, but the pirates simply robbed him of everything before sending him on his way. To crown everything, in March 1925, a terrible earth quake laid waste the whole Tali region. The town was a heap of ruins, all the Mission buildings were destroyed, and there were several thousand victims, including a dozen Christians.  Without being discouraged, the Fathers succeeded in making good use of the situation, and thanks to their generosity they earned the friendship of the locals; until then they were totally cut off from Christian influence, for Tali had been the capital of the Muslim kingdom of China.
The Mission soon began to pick itself up again. Frs Palou and Pirmez reopened a mission in Yang-Pi which had been closed for seven years after the murder of a missionary. At Tali, the Catholic school for boys had 150 pupils and the girls’ school had 60.  But in 1926 a fresh disaster struck the region. Well organised and well armed bands of pirates, under the leadership of a blood thirsty bandit who every day devoured a human heart, laid waste the neighbouring villages and raised the siege before Tali. Luckily, Tali was quickly delivered by the arrival of government troops rushed from Yunnan-fou.

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NEF, Family news


Nef is the official bulletin of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.
Nef is edited by the General Council.

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