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Jun 16, 2016

Life of the Congregation (2)

Even in the small things

Life of the Congregation (2)

Even in the small things Change of scenery. We cheerfully fly over Europe and the Atlantic Ocean to reach, in Brazil, the Betharramite mission of Sabará, where we find Betharramite religious, nuns and lay people. Fr Gilberto Ortellado scj tells us about 110 people who met together to do the Will of God.

“Doing the will of God... even in the little things of life." This is the phrase that guided the missionaries who gathered in the parish of St Sebastian de Sabará - MG, for Betharramite Mission (from April 21st to 24th).

  • This mission was attended by the religious of the Congregation plus invited Religious of other congregations, as well as laypeople from the parishes of Setubinha, Passa Quatro, Belo Horizonte, Betim, Brumadinho (Minas Gerais), Paulinia (São Paulo) and Serrinha (Bahia). Also present were three young people in vocational discernment from Betim, Estiva and Congonhal (Minas Gerais). In total, about 110 missionaries answered “Here I am! “ to the mission.
  • The program was varied: a meeting for Betharramite laity, formation sessions with married and unmarried couples and another meeting with the youth. In addition, the missionaries also had the opportunity to visit the centre of Sabará and get to know the ancient churches and historical places. Sabará has indeed a rich historical heritage.
  • The missionaries also visited several families of parish communities, and on Saturday night they took part in a moment of relaxation in the square opposite St Sebastian Church. Finally, on Sunday morning, the closing Mass was celebrated in the Church of Christ Light.
  • For its part, Sabará parish was also well prepared for this mission. About 80 families opened their doors to provide a lodging place for missionaries; parishioners also responded positively to provide food to feed the guests; Moreover, they organized themselves to take care of the cooking and cleaning and took an active part in the mission.

Saint Michael teaches us that “we don’t need to do everything, but simply do what God wants.” Following the teaching of our holy Founder, we can humbly say: ‘Mission begun – mission accomplished’ We have to wait for the harvest time to gather the fruits of the mission.

Gilberto Ortellado scj


Every year since 2002, we have been committed to maintain (among the activities of the Vicariate) this missionary endeavour that engages and energizes all of our communities. This year too, we can say that with God’s help, the initiative has been fruitful. Despite the problems and limitations of the reality of our Vicariate, the strength and ceaseless vitality of the Gospel always inspires us and give us all the necessary strength to go with willingness, trust, hope and respect to “the places where others do not want to go” (RdV 132, cf. DS 231) Indeed, Sabará gives us the opportunity to embody what is asked in our Rule of Life! It is a gift of God for us all ...!

Those days were filled with joy ... for us and for those to whom we offered our fraternal presence by visiting them: bring them what the Lord says to our heart and our life through Betharram; offering them the opportunity to share the same joy, and for us to enter more deeply into their lives and share with them the hardships of daily victories, setbacks and trials ...; to inspire these men and women, young people, children, the elderly, with hope and the certainty that the Lord of the harvest needs each of us.It was a time of grace for our Vicariate! We can see already, though gently, that the Lord of the harvest is awakening in the heart of some young people the desire to follow Him; some of them who have been entrusted to us for help with their vocational discernment, participated with us in this mission.

This is both a joy and responsibility of each of us, Religious of the Sacred Heart.

For me, it was clear to me that our testimony of joy and brotherhood touched people’s lives, and that through him, Jesus spoke to those we met. In fact, the fraternity, simplicity and joy of our “yes” to Betharram have always been a contagious force that attracts.

We thank the Lord for all his blessings. May Jesus continue to support us with the strength and the light of His Word! Finally, we look to the loving protection of Our Lady of the Beautiful Branch to teach us to serve and dedicate ourselves to others as She herself served the Lord her God, and devoted he life to protect her Son, Jesus.

Glecimar Guilherme Da Silva scj

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