Vicariate of Italy
Regional Vicar
In Italy:
Fr. CONSONNI Ernesto
How to contact the Vicariate
Address of the vicariate
Preti del Sacro Cuore di Gesù di Betharram
via Italia, 4
20847 - ALBIATE (MB)
Secretariat of the Vicariate:
Mrs Adriana Soprani
Phones, fax, email, etc.
Phone: +39 0362 930081
Fax: +39 0362 93 00 57
Sito web presence of the religious order of Betharram was born in Italy in the context of the expulsion of religious orders from France in 1903. It was the fruit of divine providence according to Father Marque, one of the founders of the community in Valtellina. The congregation was committed in two directions: even before the expulsion, there was the need for a residence in Rome which would be the office for the procurator general for business matters with the Holy See; running in parallel, following the expulsion, there was the suggestion of opening a community in the diocese of Côme in the far north of the peninsula. This was how the two main communities of the Italian Betharram order were founded: the residence of the church of the Holy Guardian Angels in the centre of the eternal city and the missionary community of Traona in Valtellina, which was also given the responsibility of welcoming young Italians destined for the religious life in the Betharram congregation for the start of their formation... (read more)
Our presence in the Vicariate
Community "Madonna del Bel Ramo" - Albiate
Fr. FRIGERIO Enrico, Regional Vicar, Superior
Go to detailsCommunity of Pistoia - St. Francis Parish
Fr. VISMARA Maurizio, Superior and Parish Priest
Go to detailsCommunity of Ponte a Elsa
Fr. DE GIOBBI Albino, Superior and Parish Priest of Isola and Roffia
Go to detailsHouse of the Region and the Vicariate
Fr. FRIGERIO Enrico, Regional Vicar in Italy and Regional Secretary
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