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Sessione 3
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May 14, 2014

The correspondence of St. Michael Garicoits

St. Michael Garicoits

Now, at the end of this year of the jubilee, we would like the spiritual heritage of St. Michael Garicoïts to be accessible to all: first of all to us, Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram, because we always feel the need to return to the sources of our spirituality; then to the young people in formation, so that they can have access directly to the writings of St. Michael and, so to speak, "to be formed" directly by him; to the Betharramite laity, so that St. Michael could become a source of inspiration and advice in all the events and choices of their day to day life; and finally to those who, just out of curiosity, come in touch for the first time with this spiritual heritage: they may be helped, by the depth of thought and intense relationship with God of St. Michael, to rediscover the beauty and the joy of believing in the Lord Jesus and in his Church.

For all these reasons,  the “Correspondence" will be published on the website.

Very special thanks to the translators who have made this initiative possible and this spiritual heritage accessible to a wider audience: for the translation into Spanish thanks to the late Fr Miguel Martinez SCJ and Fr Angelo Recalcati SCJ; for the Italian translation many thanks to Mr. Mario Grugnola; and for the English translation many thanks to Fr Dominic Innamorati SCJ.

Enjoy your reading!

Volume I

Volume II

Volume III

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NEF, Family news


Nef is the official bulletin of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.
Nef is edited by the General Council.

You can read the NEF by going to the appropriate section of the portal, which also contains the archive of recent years.

Below you find the last three issues ...